All posts by oaktagdesigns

Im still here!

Its been a while since Ive posted, the longest in a long time, haha!

I am still here, just been a little busy with life and all the things that go with it.

Ill be back soon, showing some things I have created, and with some news of my own 😀

Looking forward to getting back to it, and seeing what everyone else is up to 🙂

‘The Foodie Catcher’ catch all bib PDF pattern released!!!

Foodie Catcher bib PDF pattern by Oak Tag Designs - available through Etsy

Ive been selling the catch all bibs on etsy for a few weeks now. I just love them. Im not sure if I have mentioned it before, but the pattern is one that I drafted myself after using so many different bibs for my kids. My second daughter had the pleasure of using some, which Ive since modified a bit.

The bib folds up at the bottom to catch any food, but can be let down as the child gets older, or for washing. It also uses a cotton fabric on the front to catch fluid and food, while the microfleece or minky on the back acts to help fluid stay at the front and not leak through to the child’s clothes. It fits 6 months through to 4 years, so lasting a baby and toddler the whole time they need a bib for meal times.

So my original intention was to release the pattern, and its finally finished!! It is now on my Etsy store, as a PDF pattern, ready for download.

The pattern is AU$6, but with the 10% sale in my store lasting to the end of September, you have a few more days to purchase it with 10% off! Just use the code ‘SEPT10’ in check out.

Elsa inspired hoodie


Elsa inspired hoodie by Oak Tag Designs - front

My eldest daughter got a little bit (read, A LOT) naggy toward her little sister to borrow a Frozen hoodie and t-shirt she received for her birthday. So I decided to make her one of her own. I went through all the fabric suitable in my stash for a hoodie, and managed to find just enough light blue and cream, plus light blue ribbing.

I wanted to make it a bit special by making the cuffs have thumb holes, to make it glove like. I made one, but my daughter was complaining it was too tight. I could also see that it would probably just get super dirty when she insisted on doing everything with her hands in the cuffs, so off it came, and I put normal cuffs on.

Elsa Inspired hoodie by Oak Tag Designs

Elsa inspired hoodie by Oak Tag Designs - back

I used this pattern to cut it out, and just changed it to have ribbing rather than folded up.

Kwik Sew pattern 2094

Overall, Im pretty happy with how it turned out 🙂 Bit of a shame (although not at the same time!) that now the spring weather has started, and it won’t be long before hoodies won’t be needed!

Dabbling in some crochet with the Fiona Button Scarf

Fiona Button Scarf

It’s been pretty chilly here recently, and I only have one, that right, only one, scarf!! Unbelievable!

I found this great youtube video for the Fiona button scarf and its matching pattern and some yarn and off I went.

I found it really easy to follow and managed to use up the rest of the yarn I had leftover from the Lomond hat Ive been sporting around this winter. Then some more leftover yarn, and some vintage buttons I had. And voila! Hopefully a warm neck!

More catch-all bibs :)

Catch all bib - fits 6 months to 4 years

I finished these bibs last night, and now they are up on my Etsy store. Admittedly, I had almost finished them about 2 weeks ago, but… I didnt have enough of the right coloured snaps, so I had to wait for some more.

Still my favourite of the catch-all bibs is the stripey ones. I sold one to a friend last week and it jet-setted off to the UK for a lucky little baby boy 🙂

I think this will be the second last colour in the catch-all bibs for a while. I’m going to be (as promised for a long time!) releasing some patterns soon 🙂


Frozens young Anna dress complete (phew!)

Frozens young Anna dress - OTD


Frozens young Annas dress back - OTD

Well, its done, and in the nick of time. Not long now until I will have a 4 year old!

That was a marathon, if I say so myself. The 5 year old declared, “Its the best dress you have ever made”, so that made me feel like it was worth the extra effort. It also fits, Im only not happy with minor things that don’t matter, and I took enough pictures to make a very long tutorial!

Hopefully, the tutorial will be up in a week or two. Prepare yourself for a download-affecting amount of photos, haha!!


Making an Anna dress!!

Ready to make an Anna dress - OTD


My daughters 4th birthday is quickly approaching, and as in the tradition of making my daughters a dress each birthday, Im making her an Anna dress! She is after all, a younger sister!

I started out by googling images of the young Annas dress. I printed out the ones that could show the dress the best.

Then I found the best dress pattern I had to fit the style. It is in a Size 4, which is the size I need. It also has a higher waist, and short sleeves. The skirt of the pattern is gathered, where young Annas dress is A-line. But that can be easily fixed. The sleeves are also plain rather than gathered, but again, I can fix that! I will use the colours of fabric to work a bodice into the top.

Next, I went to my fabric stash and low and behold, I had all the colours in the right amount. I was pretty happy about that! Even the weird light colour, that isnt quite white, cream or green.

So now, I just have to make it!!

Im planning on making it into a tutorial, so stay tuned 🙂




Cheap second hand pattern find!

I went to a shop recently that sells things to support a local jail (plus also selling furniture that is made by some of the inmates). Its an awesome shop. It has handmade crafts, clothes, and furniture, plus jam and pies and cakes, and second hand things like books and clothes, and toys…

I found some patterns, oh, I certainly did! They had a small package of assorted patterns which I paid $3 for. Some of them I will use for my daughters.

Old sewing patterns for kids

And then there was a box of new patterns without their envelopes, for only 50c each! It was hard to tell the fit of some of the patterns because the photo/drawing was gone. But I picked out what I thought would be handy in the future. Im very much contemplating the jacket for myself.. but I’m sure if I do, it will be spring by the time its done.

Patterns without their envelopes

This pattern was a very happy find. I have a friend who has a new precious daughter, and in asking her what she would like me to make.. she said a poncho! I was going to draft the pattern, but finding this pattern will mean I don’t have to 🙂

6049 Pattern with poncho - Size 6 months to 4 years

And our last, but certainly not least purchase was this jewellery box. It hit my daughters eye from across the room the minute she walked in and I had 2-minute reminders about it the whole time we were there. At $3, I decided it was a purchase we could make!

Decorated jewellery box