So, I have a lovely sister-in-law who is very talented at screenprinted. Unfortunately for me, she isnt doing it right now. Fortunately for me and the kids, she has given us old samples of some of her work.
Long ago, I got some cushions from Target heavily reduced. When I told the kids that we could cover them for their beds, they immediately wanted some of the screenprinted fabric for the covers. Im pretty chuffed about how they turned out. My favourite has to be the splodges one. The different colours make it nice and vibrant, plus its not girly (which ends up happening having daughters!)

The other cushions were covered with a flower and butterfly print, in pinks, purples and greens. The kids were most excited that I had purple zips, in my bag of zips, to use on the cushion covers.

A good friend of mine blogged about a great place to do some printing, or get some awesome designer stuff, not too long ago.  Road of the Curious If only there were more weeks in the year is all I have to say!
Have any of you tried screenprinting, or made anything with one-off fabric?
Love the cushions!!! I remember some of that colourful fabric or similar made into a dress? She is talented thats for sure!
Thanks for your mention Jas!! I really need to get along to one of the screen printing classes and have a go! SO much better when you make it yourself hey!
Yep, we have two dresses made out of the splodge one. I think they are the green and orange, and green and grey? She really is!
I also have a baby ring sling made out of the butterfly one, but its on pink and glittery, so nice!
Ive said it before.. I miss Melbourne!! I would totally do one too, if we were closer!