Leftover balls of yarn project complete – a blanket!

Leftover yarn blanket ~ OTD

So I did it. I have finished all but a few balls of yarn (and after being gifted some from my MIL), and made a beautiful stashbuster, leftover yarn blanket. This after my lamenting of having so much leftover yarn.

I was set on a blanket of sorts, and after having a look through raverly patterns, I came across one I loved, garter squish (I think you will need a ravelry account to access it, otherwise this is the creators website),  and so modified it. In the US, it seems the fallback yarn of choice is a 10-ply, but it Australia, it is definitely an 8-ply (DK). So with that in mind, I was using 8-ply. I used two strands of 8-ply on 8 mm needles, with 120 stitches across (making it 90 cm wide).

I continued the pattern for approx. 190cm, which makes it the perfect size of a single bed. That means it would also cover the pillow, but I think it will look great folded back.

My MIL loves knitting the odd blanket for the couch, and has a great one that is long and narrow. Perfect for having a snooze on the couch. I think this blanket would be great for that use as well. Too wide and it would become very heavy to knit.

Somewhere in the midst of making it, I promised it to my 3-yr old daughter. She is in love. I let her have a sleep with it yesterday, until I realised.. vintage yarn, that blanket needs a wash..

Heres some more photos…

Close up of the edge :)
Close up of the edge 🙂
All folded up!
All folded up!
So colourful!
So colourful!

Do you have a nice warm blanket you are knitting at the moment? Im ever so strongly resisting the urge to start another one!

A pretty princess skirt!

Princess skirt ~ OTD

So this week I made a skirt. Its a belated present to my daughters’ friend. She turned 4 sometime in December, and due to the craziness, I didnt have time to make up the skirt. Of course, my eldest daughter picked out the fabric, and then she helped me where she could to make it up. I just made up how it would turn out, as I went along, and I think it turned out pretty cute.

Bottom of princess skirt ~OTD

It reminds me of a princess skirt. And as a bonus, its good enough quality that it can be worn as a normal skirt, as well as a dress up. Unfortunately, I didnt take any photos so that I could make a tutorial. Please comment if you would like a tutorial on this skirt and I will do one!

And as an aside, has anyone seen this before? I went to buy some shirring elastic for the skirt (who did I lend mine to??!) and the only ones I could find where coloured! Looks very cool, but you don’t see it because its at the back anyway!

Coloured shirring elastic

Felt cushion sewing kit for kids!

Felt cushion sewing kit

Well, I dont know about everyone else, but our Christmas break was full on! So I decided to take 3 weeks break from doing the blog. Now things are relatively back to “normal”, the weekly blogs are back!

I really havent had time to do much sewing and knitting. But I did help my daughter with this awesome little sewing kit for kids that she got off Granny for Christmas. Its made of felt and has precut holes to put the thread through. One side has felt flowers (and a butterfly!) to stack and sew on, and the other side has buttons. It has everything in the kit, including a plastic sewing needle. The only thing I needed to grab was the scissors.

The pack says Ages 6+ but I found my 5 yr old could do it fine. I did have to sew the flowers on for her after she had stacked them, because it was hard for her to line up all the holes through the layers.  I also cut the lengths of thread for her, and did the knots, but really, I could just talk her through those bits.

Did your kids get any great craft activity kits for Christmas?