Ive been knitting a lot lately. A lot. And trying to tweak the knitting pattern I hope to have out soon. But alas, my poor little brain needs a break from the knitting and its math. So back to a sewing pattern that is also very close to completion. I tested out some fabrics today.. so here is a sneak peek. For some reason I just cant go past the orange butterflies with purple. I just love it!
This year I got to see my Mum for Mothers Day! We live a while from my parents, so it usually doesn’t happen. It was very nice. And of course, I made my Mum something. She was gushing with happiness over them. My Mum, my biggest fan!
Here they are:
Nice and toasty…
And matching!
From this book:
Awesome book
With this yarn:
Awesome yarn
How was your Mothers Day? Any handmade gifts to show off?
So this is a bit of old news.. but I forgot to do a post on it. I made a large number of capes and here they are! They were for our church’s Easter program (where local kids enrol to do 3 full mornings of activities over the Easter holidays). They were for the younger kids, and it was so satisfying to see the kids enjoying what I had sewn (especially after making a squillion in a row and wondering where variety went!!).
Here is my daughter’s after it was decorated by her. Cute!
You might remember a few weeks ago, I started making some knitted squares. Well, I finished 4 and here they are drying last night after I handwashed them.
It was a nice relaxing little project. Good break to get the creative mind working again!
I got to see some photos of the blankets that are being put together (by some ladies at our church) from the squares today, for a local charity, and they look good!