A free printable – small gift box. Great Christmas activity for the kids.. and the adults! Many uses, many ways to decorate, enjoy!

Free printable – small gift box
Happy December 1st!
In our family, December 1st was always the first day of the Christmas season. When I was a little girl, Id be bouncing around my Dad on that day until he’d cut off a big branch of Cyprus Pine. We’d somehow get that in our lounge room, and then decorate it. And then for the rest of December, us primary school girls would nag the teachers for ‘Christmas crafts’. My favourite by far was reusing old Christmas cards and making them into little boxes.
Well, now Im an adult. I have my own computer and drawing program… I can make my own boxes to make with my girls!
So Ive decided to share this box with you all, so you can enjoy some fun Christmas box making.
Of course, its not just a box for Christmas, it can be used anytime! Its good for little presents, lolly ‘boxes’, bomboniere, organising things, a school craft, and Im sure, many other things. It can be used for most ages, preschool and up. For kids it is easy to just print out and use. If you want it to be a little fancier, you can use the printout to be a template against nicer paper or cardstock. To make it a bigger box, it can be enlarged on a copier.
Hope you enjoy making the boxes as much as me… oh and the kids!