So Ive been doing a bit more stashbusting. The yarn is Patons Jet (a 12ply or Bulky), and its lovely. So lovely I convinced myself that I would have enough in the blue and yellow to make a beanie. As I progress, I can see it may not be so! Im thinking I will just modify it into a thick headband of sorts. I’m making up the pattern as I go, so that should be pretty easy!
Have any of you made it too far through a project and realised there wasnt enough yarn? Any interesting modifications? Id love to know!
So I did it. I have finished all but a few balls of yarn (and after being gifted some from my MIL), and made a beautiful stashbuster, leftover yarn blanket. This after my lamenting of having so much leftover yarn.
I was set on a blanket of sorts, and after having a look through raverly patterns, I came across one I loved, garter squish (I think you will need a ravelry account to access it, otherwise this is the creators website), and so modified it. In the US, it seems the fallback yarn of choice is a 10-ply, but it Australia, it is definitely an 8-ply (DK). So with that in mind, I was using 8-ply. I used two strands of 8-ply on 8 mm needles, with 120 stitches across (making it 90 cm wide).
I continued the pattern for approx. 190cm, which makes it the perfect size of a single bed. That means it would also cover the pillow, but I think it will look great folded back.
My MIL loves knitting the odd blanket for the couch, and has a great one that is long and narrow. Perfect for having a snooze on the couch. I think this blanket would be great for that use as well. Too wide and it would become very heavy to knit.
Somewhere in the midst of making it, I promised it to my 3-yr old daughter. She is in love. I let her have a sleep with it yesterday, until I realised.. vintage yarn, that blanket needs a wash..
Heres some more photos…
Close up of the edge 🙂All folded up!So colourful!
Do you have a nice warm blanket you are knitting at the moment? Im ever so strongly resisting the urge to start another one!
I’m very excited to announce that I’m halfway through getting my first knitting pattern ready for sale. Hooray!!
I don’t want to give away exactly what it looks like.. but I can say, its a 2 piece set for all those little boys that are soon to be born! It can be used for a photo shoot or everyday wear, and I think it goes without saying that its cuuuuuuute!
If theres one thing Im passionate about, its buying local. When I hear about imported fruit while ours rots on the ground, my blood boils. Living near orange groves, I eat my fair share of local oranges. The juicer gets a workout too. At $8 for a box of 64 delicious and fresh juicing oranges, why on earth wouldnt you?? But I am going on a tangent…
My choice of yarn follows a similar pattern. In Bendigo, Victoria, Australia is a great wool mill. They use Australian wool (imagine, a mill using wool for yarn!) to make all different coloured and ply yarn. Garments Ive made out of their yarn always turns out beautiful, washes well, and best of all, theres probably a chance Ive driven past the sheep wearing the wool itself, with it being sourced from central NSW!
So for my upcoming knitting patterns, I will be using Bendigo Woollen Mills yarn. Please go and check out their website. They have beautiful yarns, mostly 100% wool, but also 100% alpaca, 100% cotton, and wool with blends of alpaca, silk, bamboo, mohair, and angora. The mill brings out limited editions of yarn in different blends and colours a few times a year, plus the regulars that are always available. Their yarn range is from 2 ply through to 12 ply, and comes in large 200g balls. And one of the best things I love about Bendigo Woollen Mills is the value for money. Their prices are low because they manufacture the yarn themselves, meaning you are buying direct. AND if you spend over $50, you get free postage within Australia.
So its been a year of babies (well, who am I kidding, its been a few years of babies..!) and so I decided that one in particular needed a cool jacket. As usual, I couldnt help myself and ended up combining 2 patterns into one. I loved the stripey jacket, I loved an octopus hat. I couldnt make a matching hat to an already hooded jacket, could I? Too much. So out come the leftovers of yarn, and I found a funky combo to make it. The stripes are the colours of the ocean, with a nice bright octopus. Hope you keep warm in it, little man!
Speaking of getting carried away, I had some overalls that were all but done.. and realised they matched well to the jacket. On went the matching snaps. And voila! A matching set.
I am really chuffed with how it all turned out.
Here are the books and patterns I used to bring it all together:
And thanks to the person who drew the back on the front, saves me turning the pattern over, haha!
This pattern Ive had for a while and dont have a clue where I got it from! I would say, either the Salvos, or my grandmother picked it up for me. I just love the old Simplicity patterns. Personally I find them so easy to follow and they turn out just like the picture shows. Plus they always seem to fit well.
This book is a new one to me that I bought this year. I really love pretty much all the patterns in it. This octopus hat, though, ohh, too cute!
And I also bought this book from the same shop. What can I say, its just like the other book, but 60 different great knits!
Say hello to your sea-dwelling giant brain on 8 legs!
And one last photo because goodness knows I haven’t added enough yet.. Mr. Red Octopus. My 4-yr old assures me that I really should have put a mouth on him. Im not sure, I mean I think their mouths are underneath arent they?? I regret googling that. Both they are freaky and I think his eyes should be lower. Haha!
So there we go!
I must add this is not the stash-buster project I have just started working on. This one I had been slowly working on for the last couple of months, and then had to get my little knitting hands going when I realised the baby was nearly 3 weeks old!
I have been given many leftover yarns, and then made things, and bought yarn and made things.. and in the end it all ends up a big amount of leftover yarn! Its definitely time for a cleanout. After giving a lot of the blues, greens, purples and pinks to a friend who is crocheting some blankets, Ive been left with masculine colours. Sooo Im going to make something. Ill keep you all posted! Can anyone guess what it’ll be?
Ever have a project that has dragged and dragged…? I have.
I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out though! Ive had this green cardigan done for a long time, minus the buttons, but never been impressed by the colour for a girl. I let my daughter pick out the buttons, and crocheted a little flower and love heart to add some colour. Not too bad!! The fit is great and perfect for the weather, with it starting to warm up 😀
Cute!Thankyou Youtube for the great crocheting tutorials!