Heres a little tutorial for you this week. I made some of these a few years ago for my.. husbands cousins wifes baby.. well, I guess the baby was my husbands cousins as well! She found them so good, she suggested I did a tutorial on how to make them, so here it is! They are very simple, but turn out cute and very handy.
What you need to make 2 burp cloths:
- A small piece of flannelette, quilting fabric or towelling (approx. 50 cm x 40 cm)
- A small piece of minky or microfleece the same size as above (I have used minky in the photos)
- Sewing machine (only straight stitch needed)
- Thread in matching colour, for sewing machine
- Scissors

First cut your 2 pieces into rectangles to make 2 matching pairs. This means the above amount should be cut down the middle, so that the rectangles equal 50 cm x 20cm. For the top pink burp cloth, it was approximately 54 cm x 20 cm, and for the bottom approximately 38 cm x 18 xcm. The exact size is not important, just wide and long enough to fit over your shoulder.

Next you need to place right sides together, and sew around the edge leaving a small gap (about 8 cm should suffice) as shown above. It is up to you how far in you sew for your seam. I would do about 1cm, but if you find that you are not very good at using the sewing machine, you can increase this.

Next clip the corners as shown otherwise they will bunch when turned in the right way.

After turning in the right way and pushing all the edges and corners out, you need to topstitch around the edge. The gap that was used for turning the burp cloth must be turned in the amount of the seam, so that it lines up with the rest of the edge. I topstitch in about 3mm, but again, it is up to you. If you find it hard to control the fabric when sewing I would suggest sewing the topstitching in further, just so you dont have any accidental stitching off the side.
Always remember to stitch backwards and forwards when starting and finishing your topstitching so you dont have any unraveling later.

There you go! All done, ready for some baby’s milky spit-up!