So its been a year of babies (well, who am I kidding, its been a few years of babies..!) and so I decided that one in particular needed a cool jacket. As usual, I couldnt help myself and ended up combining 2 patterns into one. I loved the stripey jacket, I loved an octopus hat. I couldnt make a matching hat to an already hooded jacket, could I? Too much. So out come the leftovers of yarn, and I found a funky combo to make it. The stripes are the colours of the ocean, with a nice bright octopus. Hope you keep warm in it, little man!
Speaking of getting carried away, I had some overalls that were all but done.. and realised they matched well to the jacket. On went the matching snaps. And voila! A matching set.
I am really chuffed with how it all turned out.
Here are the books and patterns I used to bring it all together:

This pattern Ive had for a while and dont have a clue where I got it from! I would say, either the Salvos, or my grandmother picked it up for me. I just love the old Simplicity patterns. Personally I find them so easy to follow and they turn out just like the picture shows. Plus they always seem to fit well.
This book is a new one to me that I bought this year. I really love pretty much all the patterns in it. This octopus hat, though, ohh, too cute!
And I also bought this book from the same shop. What can I say, its just like the other book, but 60 different great knits!

And one last photo because goodness knows I haven’t added enough yet.. Mr. Red Octopus. My 4-yr old assures me that I really should have put a mouth on him. Im not sure, I mean I think their mouths are underneath arent they?? I regret googling that. Both they are freaky and I think his eyes should be lower. Haha!
So there we go!
I must add this is not the stash-buster project I have just started working on. This one I had been slowly working on for the last couple of months, and then had to get my little knitting hands going when I realised the baby was nearly 3 weeks old!