So Ive been cleaning up my sewing and knitting room, and I thought about putting up a blog post about that. But lets face it, its no pinterest photo! Maybe if I got all artsy and did an abstract photo with a lovely pile of folded fabric in focus and the giant piles of sorting blurred, haha!
While cleaning, Ive come across some great light patterned fabric, perfect for some Summer skirts that my wardrobe is calling for. I strictly told myself I needed to wait until I had finished restacking the fabric. And then got on Pinterest, just to “have a look”. Turns out there are a few great tutorials on making easy skirts. Also turns out, me and the kids miraculously didn’t break our ankles hopping over piles of fabric to make this said skirt last night.

I ended up using a very simple tutorial from Ruffles and Stuff for a 20 minute skirt. In my usual style, it took longer for tweaking the pattern. I cant stand having to carry small things like a phone, so I added a side pocket. I decided I wanted to wear the skirt on my hips, lower at the front, so i cut the skirt lower at the front so the hem will sit straighter. I also didn’t read the tutorial properly and didnt gather the fabric. I just pulled the elastic to fit it. I prefer it this way as it means the elastic can be stretched the full way when putting it on, until the fabric is straight. On the downside, it is a lot harder to do!

A lot of my fabric is what I like to call hand-me-down. Fabric others have bought, and then given the cull. There is some that is factory seconds, and some is vintage, some from my grandmother (who passed away before I was born; I keep it for special things), and some that is just plain weird. And of course, just normal stuff too! After I had decided on the fabric and elastic I was going to use, I discovered that the hand-me-down fabric had previously been tried to make into a skirt. No matter, just a few extra predone seams. Plus some slight darting at the top, of which noone can see because its gathered!
What does your fabric stash look like? Any plans for some new skirts?